The websites dordiodesign.com and dordiodesign.pt have domains registered by Dórdio João dos Santos Machado Espiga, with tax identification number / VAT number: 220428301 in Portugal, owner of the brand "DordioDesign".

It is possible for our Websites to be accessed from anywhere in the world, so the contents and services provided by DordioDesign are intended for any client located in any country. However, we reserve the right to refuse to send you a quote and to provide our services when we deem it convenient. We have no control over the age, gender, health status, registration or other characteristics of the user/client. Therefore, we reserve the right to respond and accept any payment from any user, unless we have credible information and a request not to do so. The dordiodesign.com and dordiodesign.pt websites may be interrupted for a period that we determine as necessary or in our interest.

The services provided by DordioDesign require a quotation and, therefore, are paid services. The quote and the information that we think is important is sent by email after the user contacts us.

The user of our Websites is free to send a direct email or fill out the contact form (which also sends us an email with the information provided by the user). After receiving the email or a contact through any means of communication that we have available, we send you a proposal with a quote, payment terms and other information that we think is important. Values given by email or other means of communication are valid for 14 days and may vary.

In vectorization services, the content sent by us is a redesign or conversion of what we receive from the Client. All legal matters regarding copyright, ownership and use of this content are the responsibility of the Customer. The Client must verify that everything is OK before using these files. Before any production you should do a test or ask for a sample. We advice to make a sample to check the quality before making the production. We are not responsible for any kind of damage.

The information and files sent by the user are used only to provide our service. View our Privacy and Cookie Policy.

We reserve the right to make changes to the Website without prior notice. The services and contents of the website are likely to be modified/updated.

The websites dordiodesign.com and dordiodesign.pt contain links to third-party websites. We are not responsible for the content, privacy policy and terms and conditions of these websites. Access to any of these websites is the sole responsibility of the user.

They are informed via email with our proposal.

View our Privacy and Cookie Policy.

The contents are own. Content copying is not permitted unless authorized by a person responsible for the website dordiodesign.com and dordiodesign.pt.

We do not cancel jobs. We do not accept returns, due to the nature of our service in a digital environment. Our service is delivered via computer files and we respond to any criticism or request for improvement. We do not refund the amounts paid by the user/customer.

Alternative dispute resolution refers to mechanisms that consumers have at their disposal to resolve or guide, through mediation, conciliation or arbitration, conflicts that oppose them to suppliers of goods or service providers established in the national territory, before or instead of resorting to the ordinary Courts.

Thus, and in accordance with Portuguese Law N.º 144/2015, of September 8, we inform you that:

a) dordiodesign.com and dordiodesign.pt do not subscribe to any mechanism for the alternative resolution of consumer disputes;

b) However, the consumer, if he so wishes, may initiate an extrajudicial dispute resolution process, in an Alternative Dispute Resolution entity.

For any doubt or clarification contact us.
Email: info@dordiodesign.com