The processing of data collected on this Website is the responsibility of: Dórdio João dos Santos Machado Espiga, Portuguese with tax identification number / VAT number: 220438301 (Portugal).
We do not collect personal information that can identify you or that relates to your personal data - we only collect that information if you send us a fully optional email and at your own discretion, or fill and send the contact form available, as well as the messages you can send by message (SMS), "WhatsApp" application or other media. This serves us to have history of requests, doubts, suggestions, etc. and we can serve our customers better. There are other types of information, in this case of a non-individualized generic character, which we record for statistical purposes only, such as: the website address that brought you to ours, geographic data, browsing time, most visited pages, page interaction, Browser type (Internet browser) used by the user, operating system, type of device used, etc.

Who can access these data?

The management of our company and to whom we may delegate our service. We guarantee the confidentiality of all data provided by its users of this Website. However, we ask that you pay special attention to sensitive user information or images, which could cause you problems if there is any misuse of data beyond our control.
Although we try to collect and process data in a secure way to prevent data loss or manipulation, data provided using public networks (e.g. public Wi-Fi networks) cannot be secured and may be seen and used by unauthorized third parties. Given Internet’s global nature, data transferred over the Internet might be processed by servers installed anywhere in the world. So, when browsing this website and when interacting with us, users must understand that their data may be processed this way.
All Users have the right to access, rectify, cancel and oppose to the processing of their data. You can be deleted from our database at any time if you want to. To that end, you must send us a request by e-mail: info@dordiodesign.com

NOTE: Your personal data may be disclosed in cases where we are required by law.

Links to third party websites

We have links to other websites, which we believe may contain useful information / tools for our visitors. Our privacy policy does not apply to third party websites, so if you visit another site from ours you should read its privacy policy. We are not responsible for the privacy policy or content on these websites.

In order to provide you with a more efficient and personalized service, our website may use cookies from us or from third parties (sent to your computer or device from a domain or web page that is not controlled by us but by another entity) to obtain information given by the user.

What are Cookies?
"Cookies" are informational files stored on your computer or your mobile device through a web browser, retaining information related to your preferences, choices and data.
They also serve to provide information to website owners and third parties who have access to this website.

Cookies Acceptance
By continuing to browse our website you are accepting the use of cookies. The use of Cookies may be necessary for the Website to function properly, but users may configure their computer or device to reject the installation of Cookies.

What are Cookies for?
Cookies allow faster, more efficient and personalized browsing, so you don't have to repeat entering some information, for example.

What types of cookies do we use?
Cookies are used to properly navigate the Website as well as to access secure or private areas.
Third-party managed cookies may be used for statistical, security, functional or other purposes.

How can you manage cookies and disable this function?
Although Cookies help navigate websites, all browsers allow you to accept, decline or delete cookies, including by selecting the appropriate settings in your browser.
After authorizing the use of Cookies, you can always disable part or all of our Cookies.
To find information about cookie preferences in popular browsers, see the following pages or others where you can get information:

For other web browsers: Please look for the "help" option in that web browser.

Third Party Cookies and Website Usage Statistics
While browsing this website you may receive other cookies sent by third parties or third parties (such as Facebook, Youtube, Vimeo, etc.), as well as cookies placed by the Google Analytics tool, which provides statistical information on the use of the website.
Click in: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout/ to disable Google Analytics. Here you get the Add-on for your web browser.

NOTE: Remember that disabling cookies may cause the Website to not function properly.

Cookies in emails and newsletters
Our emails and newsletters may also use cookies in order to know if the email was received and had any interaction.

If in doubt please contact us.